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Recycling Law

Plastic bags of any sort are FORBIDDEN in the recycling bins in College Park according to City and Prince George's County Law.


SUCCESS Reminder!

After 12 years, Rent Stabilization is a part of the past as the College Park City Council voted at its June 17, 2014 Meeting by a 5-3 Decision to sunset the 2005 Ordinance.


Lead Paint Registration Renewals due annually to avoid fines.

All residential rental properties built prior to 1978 must be registered with the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) under the Maryland Lead Paint Risk Reduction in Housing Act.


(800) 776-2706 or (410) 537-4199

COLLEGE PARK HOUSING and Prince George's Property Owners Association, Inc.

PGPOA, P.O. Box 1652, College Park, Maryland  20741

We stand ready to serve the community's owners and tenants of single and multi-family rental housing in Prince George's County, Maryland, in particular, College Park.  Our goal is to promote safe off-campus housing with an appealing location and value to tenants.  We attempt to bring all rental housing to a higher standard of maintenance and management.


Special Message from Our President on COVID-19 CRISIS

This is without a doubt the most tumultuous, stressful and uncertain time period that we have ever experienced as landlords.  With the school semester moved to online classes and next semester yet unknown we are receiving a wide range of inquires related to rent and occupancy.  On March 20 , 2020, Patty Perillo, VP of Student Affairs of UMD, posted an update on the University Maryland Site and on March 23rd sent a similar email to all UMD students, including our renters, directing them to immediately leave College Park and go to their family home (see her letter in link below).

This seemed to be contrary to the governor’s health mandate to shelter in place and a violation of the travel protocols.  Legally, we believe she had no authority to direct our residents to vacate their homes.  Luckily, many parents wisely and correctly told their sons and daughters to stay put as many had just returned from various Spring Break destinations.  We directed our lawyer, Walter Green, to respond to Ms. Perillo to express our concerns and position (see his letter in link below).

Perillo Ltr 3-24-2020.pdf

PGPOA, along with other members that had contacted Ms. Perillo’s office individually, received an identical letter which we felt was inadequate (see her response in link below). 

Perillo response to PGPOA president Lisa Miller.pdf

We had requested a clarification/retraction from her office as some tenants/parents were using her “evacuation order” as legal basis for not paying rent.  While an obviously incorrect assumption, her position added an even greater uncertainty to an already difficult situation.   Therefore, we again directed our attorney to request a clarification/retraction of her “evacuation request” (see his letter in link below).

Perillo Ltr 3-30-2020.pdf

We certainly got someone’s attention, because our lawyer received a response from the legal department of the University of Maryland, directing all future correspondence to go through him.  Furthermore, this second response offered no retraction related to our off-campus housing.  

However, after consultation with our lawyer, several facts are clear:

1.      Most of our leases are for one year or more and ARE our resident’s homes, not temporary housing like a dorm.  When the Governor mandates no unnecessary travel or shelter in your home, our CP houses are what he’s talking about.  Some renters are older grad students with children, some are international students, some chose not to chance infecting their parents or grandparents and still others simply preferred to stay where they were.  Almost every house has some number of residents still living there and planning to stay for the foreseeable future.

2.      The lease does not mention the UMD and it is in no way contingent on the UMD.  Its use is as a single-family house and said occupancy has not been restricted, denied or rendered unoccupiable.  Maintenance and repairs are being performed as requested and necessary, taxes and insurance paid, utilities consumed, tenant requests and questions answered, etc.

3.      Ms. Perillo, nor any other official or administrative officer of the UMD, has NO rights to direct any off-campus resident to leave College Park or interfere with our lease in any way. The lease is a third-party contract between legal adults and the UMD has no involvement with it.

We will continue to monitor these ever-changing conditions and will keep you informed as they occur. 


Want to get more involved?  Consider joining PGPOA’s Board for a year.

Give Lisa Miller a call to discuss – 301.704.1342

Our Next PGPOA Annual Meeting  Has been Postponed Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

 Click here to join.

Your College Park Landlords Association:


Landlords: Get Certified!

Email your request for a Landlord Certification Program packet to:
Lisa Miller

Stay Informed; Get Involved!

Lisa Miller, PGPOA President
David Dorsch, PGPOA Treasurer

Landlord Certification Program

The PGPOA Certification Program provides landlords and their managers/agents with a thorough working knowledge of the laws governing the management, operation and maintenance of rental housing property in College Park.

This program is biennial and open to all property owners who own and rent in College Park, MD.  All participants are notified via PGPOA's website regarding updates on city, state and federal code or law changes throughout the two-year program. All participants will be notified of their certification expiration date and invited to re-certify, completing a revised knowledge assessment.

To obtain the required certification, 85% of the questions must be answered correctly. However, all answers can be obtained in recommended readings, for which access is provided by PGPOA, Inc.

This process is 100% voluntary but we believe it is a valuable program for the following practical reasons:

A. The program seeks to educate prospective tenants (and possibly their parents) about the benefits of using a Certified Landlord who participates in this program.

B. Certified Landlords are recognized with a certificate suitable for display, indicating that they operate within a high standard. This is a clear way to demonstrate that one is a professional landlord to prospective tenants, their parents, the City, community and University.

C. PGPOA and the City plan to identify participants in an on-line registry, allowing others to verify that one is a Certified Landlord. This in turn will prompt others to look for members the next time they look for a property to rent.


    • 06 Nov 2024
    • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM


    Please Join On Wednesday November 6th, 2024 us for an important and Informative session that covers a whole host of legal changes that impact your Real Estate Business:

    • Rent Control is Back!
    • State can now determine security deposits!
    • New State Tenants Rights bill
    • States now complicate your ability to sell your rental house!
    Discussion of these topics and more.

    Food and Drinks provided at 6:30 PM.

    Maeeting starts at 7 PM

    We will be meeting at:
                                       St. Andrews Episcopal Church Hall 
                                                      4517 Collefge Ave
                                                      College Park, MD 20740

    Parking in rear of Building. 

    Please RSVP - Everyone is invited.


    PGPOA Board

Why Join PGPOA

  • College Park Landlords!
  • FREE advertising of your rentals all year!
  • Two FREE dinner meetings including keynote speaker
  • Our Next PGPOA Annual Meeting Has been Postponed Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • Stay Tuned for Updates!
  • PGPOA Annual Meeting

There is a LOT going on you NEED to know about!

  • Did you know they have just passed an Ordinance and working on another charging you more for your trash collection/bulk pick-ups?  Find out all the details about the new regulations! 

  • Update on PGPOA technical improvements to website/Listserv.

Come and talk with us about these issues at our Next PGPOA General Meeting -- We will post the date when we reschedule due to the current COVID-19 Crisis. 

  • Meet, Greet and Eat 6:30 pm
  • Special Guest Speaker
  • DATE: Postponed
  • NEW Location:
  • St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
  • Parish Hall
  • 4512 College Ave., College Park, MD
  • Enter from the front and make a right or the door from the parking lot that is on the right
  • 6:30 pm:  Sign in with time to eat and Network 
  • 7:00 pm:  PGPOA Discussion of Important Issues impacting College Park
  • 8:00 pm:  Special Guest speaker
  • 8:30 pm:  Meeting Ends.  Additional Networking and clean-up

We do FREE advertising to assist with your rentals.

Have a question?  Looking for a particular contractor?

Don’t be caught unaware of changes in CP regulations!

Our Listserv provides a great forum for your questions, concerns or comments.


Landlords:  Protect yourself against the Nuisance Abatement Statute:

PG County Code 14-171, Section a(2)

The Prince George's County Nuisance Abatement Board (NAB) meetings are open for public viewing, but comments are not allowed by the audience.


For one and two-family rentals:
New smoke alarm replacement in all rental units must have a sealed, long-life, tamper resistant battery with a timed silence button unless the existing alarms are hard wired and interconnected.
Smoke alarm coverage in homes constructed prior to Jan. 1, 1989 must be upgraded to at least one approved smoke alarm on every level when any one of the following first occur:

1. Existing smoke alarm is more than     10 years old (from manufacture         date)
2. Existing smoke alarm fails to             respond or otherwise malfunctions
3. Change of tenancy
4. Building permit issued for an             addition or renovation
5. Jan. 1, 2018 at absolute latest and Prince George's Property Owners Association, Inc. 


We stand ready to serve the community's owners and tenants of single and multi-family rental housing in Prince George's County, Maryland, in particular, College Park. Our goal is to promote safe off-campus housing with an appealing location and value to tenants.


PGPOA, P.O. Box 1652, College Park, Maryland  20741
Phone: (410) 680 2868


Want to get more involved? Consider joining PGPOA’s Board for a year.
Give Lisa Miller a call to discuss – 301-704-1342 

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